6 Questions 100 Photographers – Anna Pantelia

6 Questions 100 Photographers – Anna Pantelia

1. What difficulties did you face at the beginning of your career? Photography is a job that you have to invest. As many others I was working on different job so I would be able to buy my cameras, my lenses etc. Once I collected the money I needed to buy some...
6 Questions 100 Photographers – Don Mirra

6 Questions 100 Photographers – Don Mirra

1. What difficulties did you face at the beginning of your career? I think my biggest difficulty was thinking I was better than I was. I think I started to understand the art form after about my first 10 years. I would say there was one factor if I could change I...
Artist makes pictures from the typewriter

Artist makes pictures from the typewriter

Many wordsmiths have created their magnus opus on typewriters — tapping away into the early hours of the morning — but artist Keira Rathbone uses these now largely obsolete machines to type pictures. Keira Rathbone is joining a long list of typewriter...
Being a Photojournalist’s Fixer

Being a Photojournalist’s Fixer

What Is A Fixer, Anyway? A “fixer” is journalism slang for a local production coordinator – someone who assists a visiting journalist with translation, logistical arrangements such as appointments, transportation, accommodations, and security. Visiting journalists may...