6 Questions 100 Photographers – Anna Pantelia

6 Questions 100 Photographers – Anna Pantelia

1. What difficulties did you face at the beginning of your career? Photography is a job that you have to invest. As many others I was working on different job so I would be able to buy my cameras, my lenses etc. Once I collected the money I needed to buy some...

6 Questions 100 Photographers – Don Mirra

6 Questions 100 Photographers – Don Mirra

1. What difficulties did you face at the beginning of your career? I think my biggest difficulty was thinking I was better than I was. I think I started to understand the art form after about my first 10 years. I would say there was one factor if I could change I...

Artist makes pictures from the typewriter

Artist makes pictures from the typewriter

Many wordsmiths have created their magnus opus on typewriters -- tapping away into the early hours of the morning -- but artist Keira Rathbone uses these now largely obsolete machines to type pictures. Keira Rathbone is joining a long list of typewriter artists with...

Being a Photojournalist’s Fixer

Being a Photojournalist’s Fixer

What Is A Fixer, Anyway? A “fixer” is journalism slang for a local production coordinator – someone who assists a visiting journalist with translation, logistical arrangements such as appointments, transportation, accommodations, and security. Visiting journalists may...

Mujra Dancers and Bachelor Parties in Pakistan

Mujra Dancers and Bachelor Parties in Pakistan

The Rise and Falls of Lollywood a story on Pakistani Film Industry from the view of a dance training institute. The dancers here come with the hopes of becoming stage stars who if unsuccessful are forced to entertain not the public audience but private parties in the...

Snake Charmers in Pakistan

Snake Charmers in Pakistan

My daughter, he proudly boasted “She is the queen of all tribes living here. One day she will be the best snake catcher of all Pakistan”. Shazia was barely 4 − 5 years the youngest family members of the clan who had their tents parked outside Lahore in an abandoned...

Kushti The Traditional Wrestling in Pakistan

Kusti is Pakistan’s traditional wrestling on soil. This ancient sport used to hold great importance in Pakistani societies, its popularity over the recent years however, has dwindled tremendously. Kushti is particularly famous in the Punjab which has bread and...

10 Habbits of Successful People

10 Habbits of Successful People

I was going through my RSS feed as usual and skimming through interesting posts from Swiss-Miss came across this blog post by Greg Hoy which lists some qualities of Successful People. Going through those 10 habits I  thought how many of these do I practice in my...

Simple B2B Marketing Plan

Simple B2B Marketing Plan

I have been wanting to put together a simple SaaS marketing plan for a while but each time something else would come up, so apologies for that. It is a simple B2B SaaS marketing plan which can be tailored anyway to suit your business needs. B2B is factored in because...

Its Ok to Fail

##Its Ok to Fail## Failure most of the time is considered an act which diminishes self respect, self image and sometimes moral. In my past experience I have always taken failure as something to laughed at never considering the fact that it has to play a much more...



## On Startups Working in a startup is not is easy, it's not symmetrical and it certainly is not fun. Startups do not work in a specific methods, or management techniques which we have practiced and learned during our MBA’s or expensive time management diplomas. I...