I have been wanting to put together a simple SaaS marketing plan for a while but each time something else would come up, so apologies for that.

It is a simple B2B SaaS marketing plan which can be tailored anyway to suit your business needs. B2B is factored in because of the high CPL cost and high subscription cost of the solution.

For a non-SaaS business it might have be tailored heavily and could possibly not be any useful at all other than showing a structure of building a more sophisticated business marketing plan.

Its a simple plan for a B2B software solution where the monthly price between £1000 − £4000 a month reoccurring. I have averaged it out to £1500 a month.

Reoccurrence of the revenue is not taken into account for this model. The projections are calculated only on the assumption that each of the subscription is paid only once including training and setup fee’s.

I will repost a more sophisticated model which takes churn rate, operating cost and reoccurring revenues.

Here’s the plan as a Google spreadsheet. Feel free to download it and leave any comments you have which will help in building this into a better marketing plan.

The model is self-explanatory but here are a few notes that can be helpful:

Total markeitng budget given is 50,000 which generates 546 leads.

20% of these leads are converted into paying customers.

Each of the customer pays an additional £500 of setup fee’s.

Each customer pays a £1000 one time training fee. This can be further expanded into running regular sessions.

I have not considered the operating costs of the business, which I will add later into the model so that the projected marketing budget covers the cost of business operations as well as additional revenue.